chauk oothana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. To honor you! And You start (in a game, a sporting event) 2. INPUT GAME: from the start 3. (1842 Balzac A start in life) 4. After the start of World War I, correspondence ensued between the Sharif Husayn ? and Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt 5. All items were to be "established" definitely before the start of construction, taking into account both rules iconometry and symbolic, aesthetic tradition and the "nature" of creatures and objects

Given are the examples of hindi word chauk oothana usage in english sentences. The examples of chauk oothana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., start.

Particularly, when these attributes start changing fast, like when prices are going up (in what is called an inflation), or employment and production levels are going down (heading for a depression), the general directions of the movements of these variables for all the individual commodities are usually of the same kind as are seen for the aggregates for the economy as a whole.

While carrying out each activity you could start with a brainstorming session about the activity.
He lost two of his four ships, and of the 170 men at the start of the journey, only 54 survived.
Political parties start preparing for elections months before they actually take place.
In a few days the ferns will start turning yellow, but right now they are still firm, green and upright.
The origins of Indian cricket are to be found in Bombay and the first Indian community to start playing the game was the small community of Zoroastrians, the Parsis.
The origins of Indian cricket, that is, cricket played by Indians are to be found in Bombay and the first Indian community to start playing the game was the small community of Zoroastrians, the Parsis.
However, with proper counselling and psychiatric treatment, PTSD can be remedied at least upto a level where the victims can be motivated, and helped to start life afresh.
In addition, the poor are encouraged to start their own small-scale businesses.
Her/his intention may be only to start the vehicle and, therefore, this act will not be considered a case of aggression.
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